Off road track first layer
my fisrt layer looks, and my printer feels like jeep doing serious off road stuff
Q: In general the print from MC is ok, except for the first layer, seems there is way to much extrude ?
Between the three slicers Mater slice, Slic3r, and cura, the degree of obstacles varies with cura winning.
matter slice is the cleanest, if i try the same print with Simplify, general settings the same in both, the first layer is great,
Q: do i maybe have to change something in the client? to correct.
Is the nozzle too close to the bed? Too far? I think we need a little more information about what exactly you mean by "off road stuff" and what's not working correctly in order to make a guess.
no the bed level is correct and as i said the same stl and settings in simplify work ok
it looks like a gcode thing were it is pushing way to much out thus creating huge lumps of uneven extrude,
then on the second layer the head bounces over the hardened extrude like an oshkosh driving over cement bags
Perhaps you need to adjust First Layer Extrusion Width, which basically affects the extrusion rate on the first layer.
thanks i will try that an let you know
i adjusted extrusion down to 95% in simplify and it worked ok reducing the ooze,
also i manually reduce the extrusion with the control as the first layer starts,to 85% then crank it back to 99% after base layer,
i cannot test in MC yet as i still have the head lifting 10mm as it starts to print,
@3rdzeropoint said:
i cannot test in MC yet as i still have the head lifting 10mm as it starts to print,
Do you have a command in your start G-Code that is causing this? I've seen that before.
i dont see anything - is there perhaps some other area where i need to look?
What is the reason for the M206 Z0 in your start code?
Also, "G28 Z0" does not home all axes. G28 will home all axes. G28 Z0 only homes the Z axis. M206 Z0 sets the Z offset to 0 - which is an odd thing to do - but I don't know what printer you have, so it could make sense.
trying to get the z to zero before the start of printing
my z is lifting 10 mm
but i will take it out
Okay, since this seems to be a result of another problem already being discussed let's transition to the other thread to continue this conversation.