Does this error happen only with the specific model that you are trying to print, or with all models? This sounds like an issue with the model rather than the slicer or MatterControl, but will need more information to be sure.
If it is the model, there are a few things to ensure:
* Is the model manifold? This basically means that if you were to theoretically use the model's inner volume to contain water, will any leak out after you shake it? I don't know about other tools, but if you open the model in Blender, go into edit mode on the model, and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M, all non-manifold vertices will auto-select and you can tell right away where your problem points are.
* Is the model too complex. Slicing can take up a lot of memory on your PC, at some point a model with too much geometry will need more memory than your PC has to spare, causing it to crash or throw an exception.