Pulse Firmware
This firmware was compiled from Marlin 1.1.9 and was set up for a PulseXE with a E3D V6, Bondtech, Flex Plate, Viki 2, Mini Rambo, and a BlTouch (Orbit sensor that they came with).
Please review the firmware for your machine.
@rsteel517 Link comes up 404 Page not found.
@pverdin Seems to be here https://github.com/RSteel517/Marlin-1_1_9-PulseXE-
That one worked, thanks!
Thanks mpirringer.
@pverdin how did this work out for you?
@cfitts90 I have not tried it at the moment, I have the "Smoothie" board and wasn't sure if this was compatable, still learning about these systems at this level.
All of the Marlin file should be there.
You can download them, and then go in and modify it for your particular printer (you can do this by downloading the stock Marlin firmware as well).
If you need help, there are several youtube videos that go thru the configuration of Marlin
See ones from Toms 3d and Chris's Basement (among others). I believe that 3d Maker Noob has one as well.
Also the help documentation on the Marlin website and GitHub is really good and the code is pretty well commented throughout.
I had NO IDEA what I was really doing, but after watching the videos and reading some documentation, i was able to figure it out.
@rsteel517 Thanks for this but the first question (there are no dumb questions) does the Marlin firmware used in a Smoothie board? (This might be a dumb question ).
@pverdin It might work with a smoothie board, check the documentation and go set it up. There are TONS of compatible boards.