Updating Printer Firmware
Since Marlin has the ability to doing a bed level routine and save the data to EEPROM, is it possible to reflash/update the firmware for the Pulse so that this can be done?
Yes it is possible, Matterhackers has a Github account for the firmware for the Pulse. We actually downloaded the firmware, modified it, and are using it like a standard Prusa clone. It does auto bed leveling via the 'bl touch'. We are currently using Cura 3.6 to do our printing now. I assume S3D would work also but have not tried it.
What all did you enable in the firmware? And, if you are using it with a Pulse XE, would you be willing to share you firmware?
@dpc please share your modifications
@dpc , Do you have a link to the firmware download? Also the name of the file? Thanks.