Home All with Auto Bed Leveling Feature + Z Probe HELP!
Here's the problem I'm seeing from Marlin:
When attempting to home all axes, whether AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE is enabled or not,
on RC3: the machine homes X, homes Y, then stops.
on RC2: the machine homes x, homes y, then rams the bed into the head (ignores the z-sensor completely).
I am running an Azteeg X3 Pro using Core XY Motion.
Sounds like your Z Probe isn't getting triggered. Have you checked that it is working with M119?
I am having a similar problem using an IR Z_probe.
It triggers ok, but does not go through the leveling sequence, just goes straight into printing.
It looks at the G29 but just seems to ignore it.
Any ideas. Thanks
Are you using MatterControl 1.5?
I assume I must be, it tells me I am up to date.