Pulse XE tubing issue
The bowden tube (white tube) that feeds the filament keeps popping out of the gear box when printing. It then messes up the print. Any ideas why it keeps happening and how to fix?
I also want to add.... there is a clicking sound in the gear box right before it pops out
@cgkk Yeah used to happen all the time its cause its flopping around and has no strain relief. I fixed it this way
Is the plastic snap ring in place holding the tube connection up? I have never had the bowden tube pop loose on my Pulse.
@pverdin Even With the snap ring in place and a new fitting etc it pops out from time to time especially if you are running ABS and Nylon after that fix it never popped again
I guess it's one thing that hasn't gone wrong with my printer Even running Nylon G and ABS it's not been an issue.
@pverdin Guess you are the lucky one. Hope it stays that way