Pulse XE Hot End STL Files
Where did the STL files go for the Pulse XE (S-232)? I thought I saw them on GITHub at one point in time. I don't see the parts for the E3D V6 hotend with the threaded heatsink.
@spaceghost1911 Here is all I have
It's what I downloaded a while back and some stuff I collected and designed to improve on things like replacing the awfully inadequate power supply. The matterhackers stuff and some things like the c-clips are in the opensource sub folder. the stuff in the root is mostly work in progress
IDK where they have their stuff currently and have no time to look for it
HTH - Enjoy
Thanks @mpirringer !
Unfortunately I don't see the files for the threaded heatsink in there.
@spaceghost1911 This is the link I have for Github: https://github.com/MatterHackers/PulseOpenSource
Hope this helps