Gaps Between lines in one direction on small frame structure
Hi there.
I am trying to print a small frame structure on my Anet A8 printer using Cura as a slicer.
In one direction on certain members there are large gaps formed between lines. The gaps only occur on the left to right axis.
In one instance the cura preview shows that two lines are to be printed next to each other to form a 0.8 mm wide frame member. what prints is two single lines with anywhere from 0.4mm to 2mm gap between these lines.Tried different slicers, newer slicer verison, different modeling programs and file formats.
Please help.![alt text](image url
Admittedly, I am not all too familiar with Cura but it definitely looks like you are getting some under extrusion in parts of your model
I have included a guide below that may help you out: would try to print something you have printed with success before and see if you still get successful prints. If you do, the model itself could be the issue.
I want to buy a 3D printer can you suggest me one.
Evolet Bike
@evoletindia We would be happy to help you out!
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