Saving all the printer setting

  • Hi is there a way to save the print setting (Speed settings, General setting, Adhesion settings, Support Setting, & Filament settings) with the model so at some time in the future they can be loaded back in to MatterControl. I see there are a History's in the Library but the Print History only shows the time and date of a print and there is no setting saved. This would be a lot more helpful if when it was saved you could change the name to the item or project you are printing. Also the Plating History also only shows the time and date of the model and there is no setting saved. This would be a lot more helpful if when it was saved you could change the name to the item or project you are printing. Both History’s seem to only hold the present year, so hoe can I access items I have printed before this year. I have been experimenting with the setting to print a very small item and need to save them for future use.

  • If you write to gcode file then its saved in there as comments. To my knowledge MC does not have a feature like SLIC3R to load settings from a gcode file. You can save different profiles like "MH Build PLA 04nozzle no support" and then start off with that and change the support settings for example and save it as ".... with support" etc

  • This is very informative especially for those candidates who are fully unaware of the printer setting. Let me share the link on college paper online forum for some quality reviews and comments. Thank you for sharing this topic.

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