newbie needs help with tronxy printer
I recently just got into 3d printing bought a DIY tronxy P802E, assembled it and with some severe headaches and frustration (extruder holder breaking now ziptied in place) I finally got it working and have been doing some printing. Other than having some severe leveling issues and having to re calibrate every single print the print space is offset on the X axis due to some poor design and I have been meaning to print some new parts eventually. So it seems I am losing out on 10mm of bedspace or so. Is there a way to offset the X axis in the program?
You can adjust the print center in Settings > Printer > Print Area.
@unlimitedbacon Ok that made me feel even more noobish, all the things ive been learning, that seems like it should have been common sense
how did you get it to find your printer ?
@drweb1 There is no profile in MatterControl for this printer, so you would have to create your own. MatterControl will automatically attempt to connect to the printer if it uses standard RepRap G-Code.
I finally got it to connect .I was using repetier host and repetier server software an realized I had to stop the server then openMattrtcontrol and behold it connected
the problem I have now is when printing it retracts the filament and tries to extrude it again and plugs the nozzle.any suggestions?
thank you for your help pryor to my last post
@drweb1 Thanks for the update. If you need anything else, just drop us an e-mail.