Alfawise u20 connecting to mattercontrol

  • Hi
    I am having a little trouble with my printer connecting to the software, It is a clone of a cr10s but not sure what settings to use as it sometimes connects but i cant control the printer with mattercontrol. When i use simplify3d it can connect to my printer and also lets me control it and print directly.
    If anyone has one of these printers or knows how to flash it to make it more readable ect then that would be helpfull

  • MatterHackers

    Hey @dredwolf37

    That sounds like the Baud rate may not be set correctly, take a look in Mattercontrol and see if in the Printer Settings you can change the rate the be the same as in the S3D Profile.

    You will find the Baud rate if you enable the "Printer Settings" in Mattercontrol and get this tab as shows below.0_1542744301793_2018-11-20_12-03-25.jpg

    Unfortunately I an not going to be able to tell you what the Baud rate is directly so this one you may need to figure it out but luckily it sounds like the S3D profile has the right one at the moment.

    Let us know what you find!

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