MatterControl 2.0 Linux

  • Hello,
    I realize I'm in a minority here but is there a timeline for the Linux version of 2.0? I caught up to the software on YouTube with demos of stuff that are apparently not in a version I can currently run.

    No rush, I'm just impatient to play with the new stuff.

  • +1 for the Ubuntu version. I have used 2.0 on Windows and it is much nicer.

  • MatterHackers

    Hey Guys,

    At the moment we do not have a release date scheduled but the system is in the works. We will update you guys as we are able to get an idea on timelines.

    Hang in there Linux, we are on the way!

  • I'll join in the chorus (or trio - so far). Just started using MatterControl under Linux and I like what I see - might replace Simplify3D for me (and I paid good money for it). The improvements in 2.0 are very attractive and looks like it would outshine Simplify3D completely with the built-in 3D design.

  • Saw you had your own software, but no linux =(. No good to me without linux was making me want to change brands. Untill I find I cannot get the software. I notice you have something on gethhub so I will look a little more.

  • Did Linux support just get quietly dropped? No visible motion in 10 months, even on beta channel, isn't encouraging.

  • MatterHackers

    We are still working on the Linux version of MatterControl, fear not.
    Development may be slow but slow and steady wins the race, so to speak.

  • @erikescudero Like I said at the beginning, I jumped in without knowing the features advertised were 2.0 stuff I didn't actually get included with my download so I'm really champing at the bit for any updates at all.

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