Can I Install an E3D Hot End on My Printer?

  • Yes, depending on how much work you are willing to do. The E3D is not a plug and play replacement for the original hot end on any printer we are aware of. Installation will require some modifications to your machine. We have installation guides for many printers at

    If your printer is not on the list, you should still look through the guides to get an idea of what is involved. Here are the general steps:

    1. Find a way attach the hot end. This usually involves printing some kind of mounting piece.
    2. Modify your firmware configuration.
    3. Find a way to power the fan.

    Here are some questions you should ask yourself when trying to determine if the E3D will work with your printer:

    • How does my hot end attach to the printer?
    • Can I modify my printer's firmware?
    • If you want to use the Chimera, Cyclops, or Kraken, you must also consider how many motor drivers, thermistor inputs, and heater outputs your controller board has.

    Here are some questions you should ask when choosing which E3D hot end to buy:

    • Does my printer use 1.75 or 3 mm filament?
    • Does my printer run on 12 V or 24 V, or some crazy combination of the two (i.e. a 24 V PSU with the hot end throttled down to 12 V using PWM).
    • Is my printer a direct drive or bowden setup?

  • MatterHackers

    In general, after installing a new hotend (E3D or otherwise) you should do the following:

    • PID autotuning - adjusting temperature ramp up (see tutorial)
    • Calibrate bed leveling and/or adjust endstops
    • Check retraction settings - all metal hotends should have less retraction than most stock hotends. On the order of 2 or 3 mm

  • What are the benefits of upgrading my Rostock Max v2 standard Hot End with an E3D v6 Hot End?

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