How to Enable Linear Advance on the Pulse XE
Hey @tinken
I know this has been asked before, but I'm having obvious linear advance issues with the Pulse (less so with the direct extruder but still noticeable). First-off, I tried and varied my LA from 0-2 and then from 0-100 and there was no difference in performance across both tests. It seem that M900 in the G-code does not work.
I went through the PulseV1Firmware repository and found this in configuration_adv.h
Line 1635:
//#define EXTRA_LIN_ADVANCE_K // Enable for second linear advance constants
#define LIN_ADVANCE_K 0.0 // Unit: mm compression per 1mm/s extruder speed
//#define LA_DEBUG // If enabled, this will generate debug information output over USB.
#define EXPERIMENTAL_SCURVE // Enable this option to permit S-Curve Acceleration
#endifAccording to setting K to 0 in the firmware disables linear advance (which could explain what I'm seeing).
I suppose I have two questions:
- Is my interpretation correct and would removing this line from the firmware in fact enable M900 to function properly?
- Are there any guides on how to build the firmware for the pulse? The github repo is a bit spartan in that regard.