Mattercontrol in Linux has no save to file functionality
I have used matterhackers in both Linux mint and Ubuntu, but after inserting a stl or image to stl there is no save functionality. You can't save to a stl, folder, gcode or zip when you hit save nothing happens even if checking the show file in folder option. In short it never even tries to save a file there is no save function to stl, folder, or zip and or gcode. I followed the directions of installing mono and doing the following:
$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo "deb wheezy/snapshots/4.4.2 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xamarin.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y install mono-complete
The save function is broken in Linux.
The save function is not broken as far as I can tell. It does save, just depends where you chose. If you Save, it saves the file as a *.mcx file. For this I chose to save to my documents or downloads file. To save gcode or STL, you must export the file. This usually lands in your /home/username/.ocal/share/MatterControl folder. Mine go to MatterControl/Library/Assets folder.
Take a look around your MatterControl folder to familiarize yourself.
I had Chris make this video on installing MatterControl from the command line. I prefer this method, but the .deb installer also works. is newer functionality in the Windows version. I personally prefer Linux for stability.
Thanks I'll try navigating the mattercontrol folders and see where it might be saved.