Printer problems

  • Hi
    I am trying to connect a Geeetech i3 pro b Printer to my laptop Windows 10 Mattercontrol it will not connect I think it is a baud rate problem max port baud rate I can set is 125K.
    I think Mattercontrol needs 250K to communicate can anyone help

  • @jellybelly If Iremember correctly there is a setting for the baud rate in the printer tab in MC

  • @mpirringer
    Thank you for your response the version of MC I have is I have looked for this tab to change baud rate and I cannot find it might be me I have gone through adding a new printer again still no connection.
    my printer Is not in the list may be this is an issue ?

  • 0_1603495066933_ad0b5503-97dd-422f-afbc-9727b3328d98-image.png

    Under the Printer Tab, General Sub-tab; that is where you can adjust the baud rate.

  • @hamprinter

    Again thank you for your response I eventually found the drop down menu that allowed me to select printer calibration and then the Printer Tab where I managed to change the baud rates so they were the same.
    tried to connect to the printer, message came up "oops could not connect to printer ?

  • @jellybelly @HAMprinter

    I just had the same issue creating a new printer myself in the last three days. (Posted about it too.) I think they need to add a routine to test a different baud rates.

    SInce it appears this forum is very lightly traveled, could I ask you to look at my other post about slice speeds not matching what are in the settings --- for example infill speed when sliced is lees than the actual setting. would like other eyes on it to see if it is a me issue, or something Im missing entirely.

  • @jellybelly Try changing the COM port . Also make sure you have the comport drive installed. Its not just an MC thing. Sometimes with Pronterface I got to play with the ports too. And check your connection and sometimes it pays to exit in and out and restart the printer in case there were some confusing bits and bytes left from the last unsuccessful attempt.

  • @mpirringer
    Thank you for your continued support I have tried all the ports on my Hp probook I have tried another usb cable I tried connecting all the ports manually but the printer will not connect an observation when try to connect Com5 I get a motor stutter
    I think we are so close to a connection. listed below are allthe port designations I tried.
    USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM5) CH 340 Is the printers on board chip
    RAMPS (COM3)
    RAMPS (COM4)
    RAMPS (COM6)
    May be I am missing something

  • @jellybelly Hope we are talking the same COM port I am talking the one on your computer and if you get a stutter on Com5 then that is probably it. there could also be a problem with the connector itself. All it takes is something mechanical happen and the plut eithr on the computer or printer side breaking a solder joint We had that on a PI once. You need the driver for MC for your comport I think it usually comes with MC or there is a download on github. make sure its installed. Sometimes it comes on the SD card that came with the printer

  • @dcbarry

    Checked and replied, hope it helps.

  • @mpirringer Hi have checked my connections and tried another cable, I have checked the drivers are up to date. I even loaded Easy print that showed my printer connected tried to print, nothing happened so as you say could be a dry joint on the board
    So I have gone back to the seller for help.

  • @jellybelly Good idea

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