Temperatur control
Matter Control
No matter what I set the hot end temp to it reverts to 220deg as soon as I press 'print'
I have it set at 198 in Filament under Slice Settings and 200 in Slice Presets Editor/Extruder Temp and it still goes to 220!
My printer is an Australian made Me3D Me2.
How do I set the extruder temp?
Why are there (at least) 2 places o set it?
Which setting takes precedence?Thanks
hit print then go to control on right side of screen tab re set bed temp and hot end temp hit slice
Thanks for the suggestion but the hotend still shows aiming for 220 even though the extruder (in the drop down) says 198 and it won't start printing until it hits 220.
This has now been seen by over 200 people but still no solution!
@rikdillon Check your start g-code it should have a line like
M109 S[temperature]