Chiron and MC

  • For anyone interested on using MC on the Chiron I will post a very rudimentarily set up printer as a respond For a test I printed 4 copies of the test ring in HIPS. Only mods I did to the Chiron so far is to replace the PTFE tube with a capricorn one as I was worried the one that came with it may not withstand printing at 255 for extended periods of time where the capricorn is rated at about 300. I also replaced the nozzle with a .8 that came with it.

    It is assumed that you properly assembled and configured the printer including their leveling routine as described in the manual that came with it

    To set up the printer up install the driver that comes with it (and of course MC which I already had) Add a printer and Select Other and set up the com port manually. The baud rate is 250k and you know you got the right port when the printer beeps when you connect . Go to printer and set the bed to 400x400 with a 450 print height and the center to 200x200. Make sure under features you have "has probe" set to off (we are talking stock here without a BL touch or something along that line) Then let it take you through the bed leveling.

    For me at this time the bed leveling is the only thing I like on MC so I am slicing with Prusa Slicer or SLIC3R and then run it through MC for bed leveling. If you want to import the printer copy the response to this into a file called something like "chiron.PRINTER" and then import it into MC I don't have the rights to upload a file here. Heard they (MH) had/have some rewards for profile. Would like to know what they consider one and what filament it would have to be for etc. I just configured the Start and Ending Gcode and left the Pause Gcode blank for now as I have not made up my mind exactly as to how I want to handle that

  • {
    "DocumentVersion": 201606271,
    "ID": "Other-6366949879840768",
    "StagedUserSettings": {
    "first_layer_height": "0.6"
    "Macros": [],
    "OemLayer": {
    "avoid_crossing_perimeters": "1",
    "bed_remove_part_temperature": "0",
    "bed_shape": "rectangular",
    "bed_size": "200,200",
    "bed_temperature": "70",
    "bottom_clip_amount": "0",
    "bridge_acceleration": "0",
    "bridge_fan_speed": "100",
    "bridge_flow_ratio": "1",
    "bridge_speed": "20",
    "brim_width": "0",
    "build_height": "0",
    "cancel_gcode": "",
    "center_part_on_bed": "1",
    "complete_objects": "0",
    "connect_gcode": "",
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    "cooling": "1",
    "create_raft": "0",
    "default_acceleration": "0",
    "disable_fan_first_layers": "1",
    "end_gcode": "M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0 ; home X axis\nM84 ; disable motors",
    "external_perimeter_extrusion_width": "100%",
    "external_perimeter_speed": "70%",
    "external_perimeters_first": "0",
    "extra_perimeters": "1",
    "extruder_clearance_height": "20",
    "extruder_clearance_radius": "20",
    "extruder_count": "1",
    "extruder_offset": "0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0",
    "extruder_wipe_temperature": "0",
    "extruders_share_temperature": "0",
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    "fan_below_layer_time": "60",
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    "first_layer_bed_temperature": "75",
    "first_layer_height": "0.3",
    "first_layer_speed": "30%",
    "first_layer_temperature": "205",
    "g0": "0",
    "gap_fill_speed": "20",
    "gcode_arcs": "0",
    "gcode_comments": "0",
    "gcode_flavor": "reprap",
    "gcode_output_type": "REPRAP",
    "has_fan": "1",
    "has_hardware_leveling": "0",
    "has_heated_bed": "1",
    "has_power_control": "0",
    "has_sd_card_reader": "0",
    "heat_extruder_before_homing": "0",
    "infill_acceleration": "0",
    "infill_every_layers": "1",
    "infill_extruder": "1",
    "infill_extrusion_width": "0",
    "infill_first": "0",
    "infill_only_where_needed": "0",
    "infill_overlap_perimeter": ".06",
    "infill_speed": "60",
    "infill_type": "TRIANGLES",
    "layer_height": "0.4",
    "manual_probe_paper_width": ".1",
    "max_fan_speed": "100",
    "min_extrusion_before_retract": ".1",
    "min_fan_speed": "35",
    "min_print_speed": "10",
    "min_skirt_length": "0",
    "notes": "",
    "nozzle_diameter": "0.5",
    "only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters": "1",
    "ooze_prevention": "0",
    "output_filename_format": "[input_filename_base].gcode",
    "overhangs": "1",
    "pause_gcode": "",
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    "perimeter_extruder": "1",
    "perimeter_extrusion_width": "0",
    "perimeter_speed": "30",
    "perimeters": "3",
    "post_process": "",
    "print_center": "100,100",
    "print_leveling_method": "Manual",
    "print_leveling_required_to_print": "0",
    "print_leveling_solution": "3 Point Plane",
    "raft_air_gap": ".2",
    "raft_extra_distance_around_part": "5",
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    "raft_fan_speed_percent": "100",
    "raft_layers": "0",
    "raft_print_speed": "100%",
    "randomize_start": "0",
    "repair_outlines_extensive_stitching": "0",
    "repair_outlines_keep_open": "0",
    "resolution": "0",
    "resume_gcode": "",
    "retract_before_travel": "20",
    "retract_layer_change": "1",
    "retract_length": "1",
    "retract_length_tool_change": "10",
    "retract_lift": "0",
    "retract_restart_extra": "0",
    "retract_restart_extra_toolchange": "0",
    "retract_speed": "30",
    "show_reset_connection": "0",
    "skirt_distance": "6",
    "skirt_height": "1",
    "skirts": "1",
    "slowdown_below_layer_time": "30",
    "small_perimeter_speed": "30",
    "solid_fill_pattern": "rectilinear",
    "solid_infill_below_area": "70",
    "solid_infill_every_layers": "0",
    "solid_infill_extrusion_width": "0",
    "solid_infill_speed": "60",
    "solid_shell": "0",
    "spiral_vase": "0",
    "standby_temperature_delta": "-5",
    "start_gcode": "G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle",
    "start_perimeters_at_concave_points": "0",
    "start_perimeters_at_non_overhang": "0",
    "support_material": "0",
    "support_material_angle": "45",
    "support_material_enforce_layers": "0",
    "support_material_extruder": "1",
    "support_material_extrusion_width": "0",
    "support_material_infill_angle": "45",
    "support_material_interface_extruder": "1",
    "support_material_interface_layers": ".9mm",
    "support_material_interface_spacing": "0",
    "support_material_pattern": "honeycomb",
    "support_material_spacing": "2.5",
    "support_material_speed": "60",
    "support_material_threshold": "0",
    "support_material_xy_distance": "0.7",
    "support_material_z_distance": "0.15",
    "support_material_z_gap_layers": ".3mm",
    "support_type": "LINES",
    "temperature": "200",
    "thin_walls": "1",
    "threads": "2",
    "toolchange_gcode": "",
    "top_infill_extrusion_width": "0",
    "top_solid_infill_speed": "50",
    "top_solid_layers": "1mm",
    "travel_speed": "130",
    "use_firmware_retraction": "0",
    "use_relative_e_distances": "0",
    "vibration_limit": "0",
    "wipe": "0",
    "wipe_shield_distance": "0",
    "wipe_tower_size": "0",
    "z_can_be_negative": "0",
    "z_offset": "0",
    "make": "Other",
    "model": "Other",
    "created_date": "7/19/2016 7:55:58 PM",
    "baud_rate": "250000",
    "default_material_presets": "PLA",
    "windows_driver": "MHSerial.inf",
    "calibration_files": "Calibration - Circle.stl",
    "oem_profile_token": "ag9zfm1hdHRlcmNvbnRyb2xyQwsSCUFmZmlsaWF0ZRiAgKCq19StCgwLEgZEZXZpY2UYgICAgIDDlQoMCxINRGV2aWNlUHJvZmlsZRiAgICAgNeMCgw"
    "UserLayer": {
    "active_quality_key": "",
    "printer_name": "Chiron",
    "active_theme_name": "Blue - Dark",
    "device_token": "ag9zfm1hdHRlcmNvbnRyb2xyFAsSB1ByaW50ZXIYgICQz9DWpwsM",
    "DESKTOP-33RPJV0_com_port": "COM3",
    "bed_size": "400,400",
    "print_center": "200,200",
    "build_height": "450",
    "nozzle_diameter": "0.8",
    "print_leveling_solution": "5x5 Mesh",
    "include_firmware_updater": "Simple Arduino",
    "recover_is_enabled": "1",
    "recover_position_before_z_home": "-5,0",
    "emulate_endstops": "1",
    "has_sd_card_reader": "1",
    "filament_runout_sensor": "1",
    "filament_has_been_loaded": "1",
    "active_material_key": "67ac26e7-6e63-4dcd-b2fe-b972a9c219b4",
    "start_gcode": "G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n\nM104 S[temperature]\n\nM190 S[bed_temperature]\n\nM109 S[temperature]\n\n; Purge\n\nG92 E0\nG0 X5 Y5 Z0.7 F1800\n\nG1 X359 E75 Z0.7 F900\nG92 E0",
    "end_gcode": "; Retract and move away\nG91\nG1 E-[retract_length] F1200\nG90\nG0 X0 Y400 F1200\n\nM104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nM140 S0 ; turn off heat bed\nM106 S0 ; turn off layer fan\n",
    "baby_step_z_offset": "-0.2",
    "print_leveling_data": "{"SampledPositions":[{"X":40.0,"Y":40.0,"Z":1.4},{"X":120.0,"Y":40.0,"Z":1.2},{"X":200.0,"Y":40.0,"Z":0.8},{"X":280.0,"Y":40.0,"Z":0.6},{"X":360.0,"Y":40.0,"Z":0.5},{"X":360.0,"Y":120.0,"Z":0.4},{"X":280.0,"Y":120.0,"Z":0.5},{"X":200.0,"Y":120.0,"Z":0.7},{"X":120.0,"Y":120.0,"Z":1.2},{"X":40.0,"Y":120.0,"Z":1.5},{"X":40.0,"Y":200.0,"Z":1.3},{"X":120.0,"Y":200.0,"Z":0.8},{"X":200.0,"Y":200.0,"Z":0.8},{"X":280.0,"Y":200.0,"Z":0.4},{"X":360.0,"Y":200.0,"Z":0.2},{"X":360.0,"Y":280.0,"Z":0.4},{"X":280.0,"Y":280.0,"Z":0.6},{"X":200.0,"Y":280.0,"Z":0.8},{"X":120.0,"Y":280.0,"Z":1.1},{"X":40.0,"Y":280.0,"Z":1.2},{"X":40.0,"Y":360.0,"Z":1.4},{"X":120.0,"Y":360.0,"Z":1.2},{"X":200.0,"Y":360.0,"Z":0.8},{"X":280.0,"Y":360.0,"Z":0.7},{"X":360.0,"Y":360.0,"Z":0.6}],"LevelingSystem":"Probe5x5Mesh","CreationDate":"2019-08-19T07:51:37.755943-04:00","BedTemperature":105.0,"IssuedLevelingTempWarning":false}",
    "print_leveling_enabled": "1"
    "MaterialLayers": [
    "layer_name": "HK HIPS 08",
    "layer_id": "67ac26e7-6e63-4dcd-b2fe-b972a9c219b4",
    "filament_diameter": "1.75",
    "filament_density": "10.4",
    "filament_cost": "11",
    "temperature": "255",
    "bed_temperature": "105",
    "min_fan_speed": "0",
    "create_skirt": "0",
    "create_brim": "1",
    "perimeter_speed": "60",
    "bridge_over_infill": "1",
    "disable_fan_first_layers": "5",
    "retract_length": "5",
    "retract_lift": "0.5",
    "external_perimeters_first": "1",
    "perimeter_start_end_overlap": "25",
    "first_layer_height": "0.6",
    "fill_density": "10%"
    "QualityLayers": []

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