The Whishlist - MatterControl 1.6

  • Hi all,

    I used Cura so far, but am not that glad with the way they currently go with 2.x When looking for Alternatives, I came to MatterControl and tried 1.6 which I would say so far is looking very promising. It was no problem to set up printer and settings, connection and prints went from scratch. Printer, Material and Profiles management is working really good and all settings are well explained. Really great work!

    Some questions still came up, for example if there is a place to discuss the issues that came up regarding the Alpha status of 1.6. There are not many, but a few things still might be optimized.

    Also - as for some features, I havent found anything like a roadmap yet. I know, its difficult to set up something like that in such a project, but at least for me - and I'm quite sure also others look for alternatives - it would make it a bit more transparent what the future plans are.

    My personal whishlist for that is not so big (I hope 😉 since most things needed are already there.

    One thing I miss is the pattern selection for bottom and top layers. Ideal would be not one pattern for both but individual for top and bottom, for example a grid bottom and concentric top.

    Another is filament change for a single extruder. It should not be so hard to provide, most Marlin printers support M600, for others a custom GCode with pause and resume. Its a bit like a manual tool change, so more or less already there. A custom Gcode at layer for a certain layer would do as well, but selecting another material for a certain layer with only one extruder in features could simply result in running the tool change gcode. With Cura I currently use the pauseAt post processor and the filament change option from firmware, running from SD-card this works quite ok but is far less user friendly as it could be.

    Or maybe I have just overlooked the features and they already are there?

  • MatterHackers

    Hi duisenberg,

    The good news it that your request for filament change is actually already in progress however it will not be coming in 1.6. In the mean time you can write your own macro now.

    As for making requests your best chance is to post them on our github. This will both allow you to put it into a place the developers can see it and track any progress we make towards it.

  • Hi mmoening,

    thanks for the info, good to hear the filament change is on the road. From view of print its a quite basic feature - Marlin has it since 2013 - so quite strange to see most slicers still do not support it in 2016. I believe Mattercontrol with its material management in layer edit is on the right track here, in between a custom Gcode at specific layer should be very easy to implement, will issue that on github.

    EDIT: Just have seen in Single print (General settings tab) the pause at layer is already there. Cool.

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