Help with auto leveling.
Ok, I have this printer. (
I have it all setup, and have a max print height of 305.7.
When I try to autolevel, it brings the nozzle down to around z5 and then it pushes my nozzle WAY pass the end of the bed between my Y and Z towers to the point it starts grinding, so I hit the shut off button.
I set the bedsize 200x200 with a circular bedshape, print center is set to 100, and build height is set to 305.7.
I clicked the edit button next to software print leveling and inputed the 3 points XYZs in the 3 sample positions. and it still does it.
I've tried re adjusting the endstops, making sure belts had enough tension, readjusted the max height, and I measured everything that could be measured.
Anyone have any ideas?
EDIT: Also just found out that if I bypass autoleveling, it does the exact same thing except at the top instead of at the bed
Print Center should be 0,0 for Delta printers. This is because they consider the origin to be in the center of the bed, whereas cartesian printers consider it to be in the front left.
well darn.. I had switched it to 0 before but it kept showing the print off of the print area in the 3d viewer. Thanks dude.