What a newb

  • The title is my attempt at humor to dispel awkwardness. I’m new to the whole 3D printing thing, and I suck at remembering what questions I have (anyone else’s mind go blank as soon as they’re asked if they have questions?)

    I’m currently looking to get a ender 5 pro, and I’m wondering how viable these upgrades are if at all, also any suggestions would be very much appreciated as well. I do intend on installing the 24V Titan Aero hotend and extruder (both regular and mirrored to hopefully convert to a dual extruder set up, as the interwebs has led me to believe that to be bee knees) along with both a both a set of E3D brass nozzles and a set of the E3D pro nozzle.

    Any other tips, tricks and/or suggestions would be appreciated.

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