Firmware for CR10 V2 with Hemera.
I just installed a Hemera on my CR10 V2. I followed Jason's, from 3D Printing Canada, instructions. I also followed his Marlin code modifications. The printer doesn't like the code and returns an M112 for my trouble. I have tried all kinds of configurations from Github without success. Can anyone give me some advice?
Update. I finally got the Hemera running on my CR10 V2. Anyone need the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files? I will share.
@kenche hey man! How is the hemera working for you? I'm interested in trying your config files, I'll be putting a hemera on cr10v2 here soon I just got it today.
@kenche what did you use to mount it? I ordered PrinterMods MDD kit for it, but it looks like I will still need a printed adapter plate, which is retarded..
@kenche your post is a bit old but i figured i would give it a shot i could really use the firmware for cr10 v2 with hemera if you still have um on your computer
@kenche hello dude can you share?