Makerbot Mini print issue

  • Makerbot has all but abandoned the Mini but I'm still using it. MatterHackers seems an excellent wat to 'spit in their eye'.

    I have installed Version and have attempted several methods of getting it to communicate with my mine. It is conected to COM1 and identified as Makerbot Replicator Mini. Mattercontrol will not automaticly connect but it will connect to this port manually by selecting the COM port. Beyond that, there is no response from the printer. The Terminal shows the following:
    <- M105
    <- N1 M110 N1*125

    • Communication State: Connected
      -> okok
      -> RS:1
      -> okRS:1
      and repeats the last forever. When I try to print i get
      *Communication State: PreparingToPrint and okRS forever also.

    I cannot print, the extruder does not heat, I cannot unload or load filament or anything.

    I reinstalled an then tried to update the com driver with the one supplied but windows stated that the current driver was being kept.


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