Best Dual Extruder 3d Printer Under 6k for very high precision, dependability and repeatability

  • I want to add a fifth printer to my farm I was thinking Raise3d Pro 2, Lulzbot Taz Pro, Ultimaker 3 or maybe Ultimaker S5 , I really wanted to get the best dual extruder model for very high precision, dependability and repeatability.

    I have been researching for over a month and I am on the verge of adding a few models to my list of possible but the reviews are just not there, The MakerGear M3 ID, the Sigma R19 or Sigmax, I can find a few videos of them printing but not real reviews other then the two to three minute feature reviews Matterhackers did on them.

    I had a Real non-kit Prusa I3 Mk3 I HATED IT, I sent it back for a refund my mono price clone was better and way more reliable, and so is my Tevo Tarantula.
    I have a Taz 6 with all the hot ends I love it the only down sides is with the dual extruder one nozzle drags in the print and the .5 nozzle is huge
    My V2 and select plus are so modded their mother wouldn’t recognize them anymore and what I want from the new one is Unbox, plug in cut zip ties and print I don’t want to have to spend hours, days or months futzing with them. If I want to print a nine day print I want to toss the printer in my shop and not come down and check on it 14 times a night, so in other words I want reliable and I am willing to pay for it.
    I have a few commercial contacts for bit and bobs not a huge profit but it keeps me in filament.

    Ultimaker 3 or S5
    Can drop down to a .25 Nozzle
    25% Ultimaker Tax on parts
    Not 100% sure on the “switch” to lift and lower nozzle
    Not a fan of Boden tube

    Raise3d Pro 2
    Power lifting nozzle
    Most of the reviews online are on older versions no “trusted” reviews of this model

    Lulzbot Pro
    Power lifting nozzles’
    .5 Nozzle
    No reviews I can find

    Sigma R19
    Dual nozzles’ no lifting to wear out or switches to break
    No reviews to be found

    MakerGear M3 ID
    Dual nozzles’ no lifting to wear out or switches to break
    No reviews

  • @belezeebub

    You describe the exact situation I find myself in today. Recognizing your post is nearly 2 years old, I wonder what printer you chose and whether you were satisfied by its performance. Please let us know. I'm ready to pull the trigger on a good printer but would appreciate an objective review.

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