Issues with Custom G-Code in Matter Control

  • Matter control appears to be adjusting my custom G-code. This seems to happen in both End g-code and cancel g-code.

    My cancel G-code is below:

    M104 S0 ; turn off temperature

    G91 ; Enable relative mode

    G1 Z10

    G90 ; Back to absolute

    G1 X10 Y200


    However the G91 is never sent to the printer only the G90.

    If i simplify the G-Code down to

    M104 S0 ; turn off temperatureG1 X10 Y200M84;

    Then matter control seems to send G1 Z10 Y200 Z0

    I can't come up with any reason why it isn't just sending the commands as typed, if I send them via the terminal they do exactly what I expect, but when mattercontrol auto executes everything goes weird!

    Any suggestions?

  • There's a couple of facets to this issue.

    First, MatterControl does filter G-Code and make changes to certain commands, G91 included. Check this page for more information about exactly what changes are made:

    Second, the G91 change should work but as @unlimitedbacon pointed out to me as he tried to run your code to reproduce the problem there is no feed rate specified in your G1 Z10 command; the error "Error: Undefined feed rate" was thrown. Specify a feed rate with the F parameter, so:

    G1 Z10 F5000

    or something like that. Your code should then run just fine.

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