Automatic Print Leveling Missing

  • I currently have MatterControl 1.5.3, and I have recently been reading about the auto leveling feature; however, when I went to find it in the options-hardware menu it was nowhere to be found. The only selections I have in the options-hardware menu is EEProm and G-Code terminal. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling MatterControl. Is there an add-on I need to download? Has anyone else had this issue?

  • If the Calibration section does not appear under OPTIONS, then 'Has Hardware Leveling' is enabled:

    Most likely your printer has this enabled because it runs a leveling routine at the beginning of each print as commanded by the G29 command in the Start G-Code. In addition to changing the 'Has Hardware Leveling' setting you also need to remove the G29 from this field before the printer can use Software Print Leveling instead.

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