Weird estimated (and real) print time.

  • Hi, I've switched from Cura to MatterControl, as Cura doesn't support x3g files output. I saw that MatterControl can use CuraEngine to slice, so I went with it.

    There is an issue with print time.

    Infill speed50mm/s130mm/s
    Inner wall speed40mm/s130mm/s
    Outer wall speed30mm/s120mm/s
    First layer speed15mm/s15mm/s
    Travel speed90mm/s150mm/s
    Layer height0.3mm0.3mm
    First layer height0.3mm0.3mm
    Bottom solid layers41mm
    Top solid layers41mm
    Infill density20%20%

    If I load the exact same model in Cura, it says print time is 1:00 hours. MatterControl with CuraEngine says 2:42 hours. Now, MatterControl speeds are way higher than Cura's speeds, so I was expecting at least the same time (1 hour) or even less. When I print the model, it prints really slow, like it's ignoring all settings.

    What's going on here?

  • Can't comment on how Cura works, but I can say that MatterControl's print estimates are usually unreliable. They're typically too long, though depending on the printer can be accurate-- it mostly comes down to acceleration settings. The feature needs work to be reliable, and at this point it will probably be a while. It's definitely on the list of things to do.

    For now if you want to continue to use MatterControl I would do a print and compare the estimated print time to the actual print time. Figure out the ratio between the two, and apply that ratio to future prints as a way of estimating how long they will take.

  • Hi, thank you for the reply. As I stated in the first post when I print the model it prints very slowly. That model taken like 3 hours at super slow speed, while the setting was for 120 to 130mm/s, it seemed like it was going at 40mm/s or so instead.

    It really seems that MatterControl is just ignoring my speed settings.

  • Maybe your cooling settings are interfering with the print speed. Try reducing your minimum layer time.

    What kind of printer do you have?

  • @harlandraka Sorry, did read that but forgot to reply to it.

    That is odd, and my first guess would be what unlimitedbacon said about minimum layer print time as that's pretty much the only setting that would have to do with altering speeds for any reason. Check that, and if you can determine it's not related let us know and we'll go from there.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @unlimitedbacon , @ryan.lutz

    OK I tried to change the minimum layer time settings, I set it to slow down if the layer takes less than 1 second. It takes 2 hours now. It does infills at high speed and perimeters (both inner and outer) at like 30-40mm/s ignoring the 130mm/s and 120mm/s setting.

    Since you asked - I have a CTC Bizer (clone of the Makerbot Replicator Dual Extruder). I've already tried MakerBot Desktop but it doesn't let me customize the most important settings and does ugly under-extruded prints.

  • Could you export and post your slice settings and a gcode file?

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