Matter Control Stopped Working Error - Please help

  • Hey guys -= I am using a relatively new Windows 10 PC and I cannot get Matter Control to install and launch properly. It actually did the first time, then once I closed and reopened the program, now - it comes up and within 30 seconds I get the "MatterControl Stopped Working" Error. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling six times - same symptoms. I have deleted all app data and even searched the computer afterwards just to make sure there was nothing remaining. It's clean, but when I re-install, same issue. No idea why it's doing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Not sure what's going on there. Take a look at the instructions for how to generate a crash report that you can email to MatterControl Wiki: Send Windows Crash Logs

  • I had the same problem today and when looking at my crash log I noticed that the "BONJOUR" program by Apple was creating an error log entry about every minute throughout the day. I uninstalled BONJOUR from my PC and went back to MatterControl, it then started up & worked normally and I am about to start printing. I don't know if that was the actual problem, but MatterControl is working now so... @toro1966

  • @owensma1 Thanks for that report. I review lots of logs, and once in a while I'll see one with tons of BONJOUR errors like you're reporting. I typically dismiss them as unrelated so I'd be interested to know if you experience an increase in reliability as a result of uninstalling BONJOUR.

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