Ultimate 2 start code
I have the wanhao duplicator 6 / Ultimate 2
Using Ultimaker Cura 4.8.0Changed from Wanhao Duplicator 6 printer profile that used Marlin to now trying the default Ultimaker 2+ profile that uses Ultimaker 2 G-code flavor.
The new profile does seem to print smoother prints and seems to be a little better.... but
When the printer starts a print, it now raises the bed, finds Z 0 point. But from there it DRAGS the nozzle .5 inches diagonally to the middle and rests the nozzle on the bed while the bed heats up and then while the nozzle heats up.
I would like to find Z 0 then drop the bed several mm, say 5mm, and then either warm up the bed and nozzle or move to this point. I want to eliminate the nozzle drag... anyone know what i need to put in the start g-code to get it to lower the bed prior to the move after the Z home?
EDIT: this nozzle drag is unique to the new default printer setting in Cura. The wanhao duplicator 6 with marlin did not drag the nozzle... so I dont know if this is built in the printer or if this is cura. I know that using the "Ultimaker 2" G-code flavor it uses a lot of the printer defaults, like i cannot change the material temp or retraction distance to name a few.
@pjp115 Compare the start Gcode snippets after the homing routine it achieve something like that with a
G0 Z5
which gives you the 5mm separation
Here is the start code for a 40mm test cube. Clearly I wouldnt print this with a .2 nozzle... but this is the current setting on the printer. I was hoping to find a Gcode that indicated start heating bed, start heating nozzle. but no such luck.
What is the G code for lowering the bed (Z axis) say 5mm. Cant seem to find it. Maybe i can try just putting it after all this commented out part.
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.8.0
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G0 F3000 Y50 ;avoid prime blob I am guessing this is it? maybe after pressing start it homes the bed with firmware code, then takes this as the first move code?
G92 E0 ;I understand this to be a reset head to 0,0,0 position.
G92 E0 ;Not sure why every code it resets twice. maybe this is where the move occurs
G10 ;I understand this to be filament retract
M107 I understand this to be cooling fan off? not sure why this is off when cooling is enabled
G0 F6000 X7.979 Y7.915 Z0.17 I understand this to be a rapid move, I assume to the start location
G11 I understand this to be filament forward.
G1 F1800 X8.35 Y7.6 E0.0182
G1 X8.768 Y7.35 E0.03642
G1 X9.221 Y7.171 E0.05463
Found "G1 Z5.0 F6000" which i believe to be lower Z by 5mm.
I added this at the start and still get nozzle drag.
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.8.0
G1 Z5.0 F6000
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
G0 F3000 Y50 ;avoid prime blob
@pjp115 That should do it