When I restart my printer, values of Steps per mm return to the firmware's default value. how to make my on conenct g code whit my x y and z ?

  • Hello !! i'm calibrate my printer but my firmware is not fun and he don't save my new step , but if i follow this step how i determine

    X Y Z in the section custom g code ?

    When I restart my printer, values of Steps per mm return to the firmware's default value. How can I change this?

    It is likely your printer's firmware does not allow EEPROM to be saved.

    In order to apply your settings, you can either update your firmware to allow for EEPROM changes or you can add custom G-Code to the "On Connect G-Code" section in MatterControl. Updating firmware requires a fair bit of effort, so it's probably easier to update the custom G-Code. Here's how:

    1. In MatterControl, navigate to Settings > Printer > Custom G-Code.
    2. In the "On Connect G-Code" box, enter
      M92 Exxxx
    3. So, if your steps/mm is 194.5, you would enter M92 E194.5. This is case sensitive, so make sure to use capital letters.

    Once this is done, every time you connect to MatterControl, it will send the proper steps/mm to your printer.

  • Use the same command like so

    M92 X87.489 Y87.489 Z87.489

    The RepRap Wiki has a good reference page on G-Code.


  • How thank you !!

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