Latest MC version 2.20.6 bug
The latest version doesn't respect mm settings in the top and bottom layer slice settings. At least not on my parts, 1mm gives 1 layer (and those are 0.45 mm layers). Change to a count of 3 and get 3 layers. May be a problem elsewhere in variable-unit input fields.
also comes with a new marketing tab for an 'Upgrade' to Pro at $155/year that doesn't seem to have a way to get rid of. Since MH never does release notes, some UI tweaks and new bugs are all I can tell changed.
I say skip it for now until more info is forthcoming and with the new Pro, it might be wise to have a backup plan in case all the developer attention goes there, which is sadly my experience with these sorts of things, despite them usually starting with the noble goal of keeping them both updated.
I don't have the "Pro" version of MC, so anyone reading this take that for what its worth, but I wouldn't use Mattercontrol if I didn't have to. Being forced essentially to use it for my MH Pulse printer is bad enough. I definitely won't be upgrading to a "Pro" version of Mattercontrol even at the expense of the Pulse becoming a brick on my desk.
It would be a real slimy move for a company that is supposed to be an icon in this community to make it "necessary" for Pulse printer users to upgrade for a better experience. We've already paid more than what the printer is really worth.
People are running the Pulse mostly with Cura or PrusaSlicer and just using MC to do the bed level and actual print, so there's always that or even changing firmware, but I don't think MH would de-feature the free versions or make it stop working. While I would be disappointed, I wouldn't be surprised if over time all the new features and bug fixes go into the paid version.
I get they like to be paid and lots of small-commercial places will want live support and so on without caring about the cost, but dumping the community in favor of trying to be a budget MarkForged is, IMO, a losing game.
I agree with what you are saying. It makes me curious however, that with the free version of mattercontrol being at times, buggy and slow when slicing large models, they would divert attention and develop a "pro" model.
Don't get me wrong, MH has always done right by me. Their customer service, even during the apocalypse that 2020 is shaping up to be, is quick and helpful. I just wish that the Pulse printer wasn't intrinsically tied to the MC software, barring a firmware update.
As far as using another slicer for g-code and then running it through MC for leveling; I'm going to have to start doing that.
You can find the Release Notes here:
I am having the mm setting on top and bottom layers working correctly. Would it be possible for you to upload your printer profile and model that is failing in a .zip to GitHub? We would love to investigate the problem.
I also wanted to let you know that we have been working to add MatterControl Pro to all Pulse purchases, and this will be retroactive to all existing Pulse owners.
Thanks Lars! I didn't even bother looking through the help menu since there wasn't much there before.
On my part I can't upload it, but it's possible it had something to do with updating the app and running the part again. I checked on the slice view and it definitely was only printing one top layer, even though set to 1mm. I am seeing more pillowing with this version. Not sure why yet.
Well, I stand by my statement that MH has great customer service! They, the Owner, even reach out to their less than polite customers on their forum, instead of just deleting the negative comments and moving on. That is a solid move for sure and will keep me coming back; and re-thinking my opinions before I spout them off.
Also wanted to add that I was checking out the help section...Thank you Lars for steering us over there. There is so much useful information in addition to the release notes.
I'm going to have to go over the help area with a fine tooth comb and i would recommend anyone else do the same.
I experienced same Issue as OP this morning. Think I did everything correct in submitting a bug report. for 3 rapid replies.
Thanks for posting to GitHub. It looks like you just need to add 'mm' to the settings. We will think about ways to make this clearer in the future.
Unfortunately, that does not actually fix the issue. The picture of the parts in grey pro nylon was printed with 1mm layers and was input as "1mm", being the default for those fields. I attempted to do what OP did and place "3" in the fields to get 3 layers each, but the unfilled surfaces presented on some Hatchbox PETG parts that I printed over night.
As I type this, I'm printing some comparison parts for analysis in Novamaker PLA. Used the most updated version of MC and the most recent previous version that I found in the release notes. Used the MC default of "1mm" in both the top and bottom layer fields, and as of this post, the results are similar but not as dramatic as the nylon parts on GitHub.
Up until this most recent update, I've never had any prints that looked like that. Unfortunately I can't review my plating history due to an attempt at fixing a probe issue; deleted my local app data and uninstalled/reinstalled MC. I've printed multiple objects since I received the pro nylon, great filament by the way, and experienced no such issues as those presented on GitHub.
Ill post the pictures to this thread when done.
While there appears to be some underextrusion in the april release version of MC on my prints, you can see there is a significant difference in the layer thickness. This was done with "1mm" in the top and bottom layers field on all prints. The cal cubes and the letters are one print and the half finished bolt is a seperate print or each respective MC version release.
Edit: I forgot to note that the Cal Cube/Words are in .2 (Standard) layers and the Bolts are in .1(Fine) Layers.
This should now be fixed. You can switch to the alpha build if you want to try out the new build. We will promote it as soon as we prove it doesn't break anything else.
Awesome, Thanks Lars! Ill try it out after my current print.
@larsbrubaker That would be great.
Support reached out to me after my bug report as well and suggested trying the Alpha a couple days ago. I didn't get around to it, but this morning there was a new stable release so I switched to that, and have to say the top and bottom layers are looking a lot better although I haven't messed with it enough to know for sure. Thanks for the increased support lately!
What you are seeing is correct. We pushed the new fix to release.
@larsbrubaker any idea of when this is going to happen?
@cfitts90 Are you still getting this issue? When I downloaded the Alpha, it was corrected. The fix followed over into the next "stable" update for me as well. Currently running MC
@hamprinter I was, and then I Uninstaller mattercontrol and it appears to be working again.