Printhead moves to wrong corner after print, grinds belt.

  • Hi everyone,

    I have been using Mattercontrol for a couple of weeks since I refurbed my Old Solidoodle 2 printer and I am really liking the software. I am having an issue that I can't seem to find any setting to fix.

    When a print finishes the print head goes to the back left corner of the print bed and spins the Y-axis motor past the stopping point, which makes a horrible noise as the teeth on the gear slip on the belt.

    The corner it goes to is not the home corner. If I click the home button in the printer controls, it peacefully goes to the correct home corner.

    I figure there is some command at the end of the Gcode causing it, but I can't find anywhere to configure it differently.

    Any suggestions?

  • @soapbox1858 Hi, I am having a similar issue, when printing from my Pulse 3d printer, from SD Card Only, at end of print it travels up the Z grinds until I turn it off. I have this issue posted on the forum, and someone from MH is looking into it. same as you, looking at the Gcode of the files etc. When I print direct from the MC software no issues at end of far.

  • MatterHackers


    That sounds more like the end G-Code is not sending the G28 but telling the system to move differently. Maybe check the end code and see what it sends for homing.

    The issue is a little different on the Pulse as that profile is something I can check here being that all of our pulse profiles are uniform and what you have should be the same as mine. @Bretwright have a look at your post and see my message on that one.


  • Alright I found the end G-code area. This is what is there:

    M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
    G1 X10 Y200
    M84 ; disable motors

  • MatterHackers

    That G1 move is likely the cause, what it is stating is that the extruder moves to X10 and Y200 based off of home position.

  • Should I just replace that line with G28 then?

    That would make the bed raise back up too though? So G1 X0 Y0 ?

  • Try this - this is my end code on my pulse
    ; Retract and move away
    G1 E-[retract_length] F1200
    G0 X5 Y210 F[travel_speed]
    G28 Z0

    M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
    M140 S0 ; turn off heat bed
    M106 S0 ; turn off layer fan

    M84 ; disable motors

  • MatterHackers

    @mpirringer said in Printhead moves to wrong corner after print, grinds belt.:

    Try this - this is my end code on my pulse
    ; Retract and move away
    G1 E-[retract_length] F1200
    G0 X5 Y210 F[travel_speed]
    G28 Z0

    M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
    M140 S0 ; turn off heat bed
    M106 S0 ; turn off layer fan

    M84 ; disable motors

    I do not recommend copying a persons G-Code from their profile directly unless that person has the same printer. In this case, the user Soapbox1858 has a different unit than the pulse. User Brentwright has a pulse but we were aware of the issue, which at this point should be resolved.

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