Can't read temps from Prusa I3

  • Hello! I'm using a new printer with MatterControl and it's having trouble reading the extruder and bed temperatures. The printer connects fine- I can control all the axis movements, and it will turn on the extruder and bed heaters, but it can't seem to read the live temperatures. Since it can't tell when the target temperatures are reached, it will not move forward with the printing. I tried using Repiter and it works just fine, so I know the printer is OK. And I have used MC with a different printer, and it has also worked just fine. I printing to a GEEETech M201 Prusa I3 with a 2-in, 1-out mixing extruder. Any ideas what might be going on? Thanks!

    Update- Now it can read the temperatures when I print from an SD card. But when attempting to print directly from MC, the temps freeze, while everything else remains functional.

  • Hmmmm. Can you post a terminal log after trying to start a print? This will tell us exactly what information the printer is sending.

  • Thanks for the help! The terminal log is posted below. The bed heats up to 60, but MC never recieves that information. I'm also posting my settings file. The build version of MC is

    avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1
    bed_shape = rectangular
    bed_size = 280,210
    bed_temperature = 60
    bottom_clip_amount = 0
    bottom_solid_layers = 1mm
    bridge_acceleration = 0
    bridge_fan_speed = 100
    bridge_flow_ratio = 1
    bridge_speed = 20
    brim_width = 0
    build_height = 200
    cancel_gcode =
    center_part_on_bed = 1
    complete_objects = 0
    connect_gcode =
    cool_extruder_lift = 0
    print_leveling_solution = 3 Point Plane
    print_leveling_method = Manual
    print_leveling_required_to_print = 0
    manual_probe_paper_width = .1
    cooling = 1
    create_raft = 0
    default_acceleration = 0
    disable_fan_first_layers = 1
    end_gcode = M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0  ; home X axis\nM84     ; disable motors
    external_perimeter_speed = 70%
    external_perimeters_first = 0
    extra_perimeters = 1
    extruder_clearance_height = 20
    extruder_clearance_radius = 20
    extruder_count = 2
    extruder_offset = 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0
    extruder_wipe_temperature = 0
    extruders_share_temperature = 1
    extrusion_axis = E
    extrusion_multiplier = 1
    extrusion_width = 0
    fan_always_on = 0
    fan_below_layer_time = 60
    filament_diameter = 1.75
    fill_angle = 45
    fill_density = 0.4
    fill_pattern = honeycomb
    first_layer_acceleration = 0
    first_layer_bed_temperature = 0
    first_layer_extrusion_width = 100%
    first_layer_height = 0.25
    first_layer_speed = 30%
    first_layer_temperature = 210
    g0 = 0
    gap_fill_speed = 20
    gcode_arcs = 0
    gcode_comments = 0
    gcode_flavor = reprap
    gcode_output_type = REPRAP
    has_fan = 1
    has_hardware_leveling = 0
    has_heated_bed = 1
    has_power_control = 0
    has_sd_card_reader = 1
    show_reset_connection = 0
    heat_extruder_before_homing = 0
    include_firmware_updater = None
    infill_acceleration = 0
    infill_every_layers = 1
    infill_extruder = 1
    infill_extrusion_width = 0
    infill_first = 0
    infill_only_where_needed = 0
    infill_overlap_perimeter = .06
    infill_speed = 60
    infill_type = TRIANGLES
    layer_gcode =
    layer_height = 0.2
    layer_to_pause =
    max_fan_speed = 100
    min_extrusion_before_retract = .1
    min_fan_speed = 35
    min_print_speed = 10
    min_skirt_length = 0
    notes =
    nozzle_diameter = 0.4
    only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 1
    ooze_prevention = 0
    output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
    overhangs = 1
    pause_gcode =
    perimeter_acceleration = 0
    perimeter_extruder = 1
    perimeter_extrusion_width = 0
    external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 100%
    perimeter_speed = 30
    perimeters = 3
    post_process =
    print_center = 140,105
    raft_air_gap = .2
    raft_extruder = 0
    raft_extra_distance_around_part = 5
    raft_fan_speed_percent = 100
    raft_layers = 0
    raft_print_speed = 100%
    bed_remove_part_temperature = 0
    randomize_start = 0
    repair_outlines_extensive_stitching = 0
    repair_outlines_keep_open = 0
    resolution = 0
    resume_gcode =
    retract_before_travel = 20
    retract_layer_change = 1
    retract_length = 1
    retract_length_tool_change = 10
    retract_lift = 0
    retract_restart_extra = 0
    retract_restart_extra_toolchange = 0
    retract_when_changing_islands = 1
    retract_speed = 30
    skirt_distance = 6
    skirt_height = 1
    skirts = 5
    slowdown_below_layer_time = 30
    small_perimeter_speed = 30
    solid_fill_pattern = rectilinear
    solid_infill_below_area = 70
    solid_infill_every_layers = 0
    solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0
    solid_infill_speed = 60
    solid_shell = 0
    spiral_vase = 0
    standby_temperature_delta = -5
    start_gcode = G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle
    start_perimeters_at_concave_points = 0
    start_perimeters_at_non_overhang = 0
    support_air_gap = .3
    support_material = 0
    support_material_angle = 45
    support_material_percent = 50
    support_material_create_internal_support = 1
    support_material_create_perimeter = 1
    support_material_enforce_layers = 0
    support_material_extruder = 1
    support_material_extrusion_width = 0
    support_material_infill_angle = 45
    support_material_interface_extruder = 1
    support_material_interface_layers = 3
    support_material_interface_spacing = 0
    support_material_pattern = honeycomb
    support_material_spacing = 2.5
    support_material_speed = 60
    support_material_threshold = 0
    support_material_xy_distance = 0.7
    support_material_z_distance = 0.15
    support_material_z_gap_layers = 1
    support_type = LINES
    temperature = 210
    thin_walls = 1
    threads = 2
    toolchange_gcode =
    top_infill_extrusion_width = 0
    top_solid_infill_speed = 50
    top_solid_layers = 1mm
    travel_speed = 130
    use_firmware_retraction = 0
    use_relative_e_distances = 0
    vibration_limit = 0
    wipe = 0
    wipe_shield_distance = 0
    wipe_tower_size = 0
    z_can_be_negative = 0
    z_offset = 0

    Terminal Log:

    ->Communication State: AttemptingToConnect

    <-ok B:56.7 /0.0 T0:30.3 /0.0 T1:30.3 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0

    ->Communication State: Connected

    <-FIRMWARE_NAME:STM32_3D V1.1 PROTOCOL_VERSION:V1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:JIETAI-PI3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


    <-ok B:56.5 /0.0 T0:30.3 /0.0 T1:30.3 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0

    ->Communication State: PreparingToPrint

    ->N1 M110 S1*96


    ->Communication State: Printing
    ->N2 G21*24 [0.001]

    <-ok [0.018]

    <- [0.018]

    ->N3 M107*38 [0.018]

    <-ok [0.062]

    <- [0.062]

    ->N4 M140 S60*87 [0.062]

    <-ok [0.066]

    <- [0.066]

    ->N5 G4 P1000*89 [0.066]

    ->N5 G4 P1000*8 [10.066]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 5 [10.089]

    <- [10.089]

    <-Resend: 6 [10.089]

    <- [10.089]

    <-ok [10.089]

    <- [10.089]

    ->N6 M105*33 [10.089]

    ->N6 M105*3 [20.090]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 6 [20.112]

    <- [20.112]

    <-Resend: 7 [20.112]

    <- [20.112]

    <-ok [20.112]

    <- [20.112]

    ->N7 M105*32 [20.112]

    ->N7 M105*3 [30.113]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 7 [30.135]

    <- [30.135]

    <-Resend: 8 [30.135]

    <- [30.135]

    <-ok [30.135]

    <- [30.135]

    ->N8 M105*47 [30.135]

    ->N8 M105*4 [40.136]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 8 [40.156]

    <- [40.156]

    <-Resend: 9 [40.156]

    <- [40.156]

    <-ok [40.157]

    <- [40.157]

    ->N9 M105*46 [40.157]

    ->N9 M105*4 [50.157]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 9 [50.179]

    <- [50.179]

    <-Resend: 10 [50.179]

    <- [50.179]

    <-ok [50.180]

    <- [50.180]

    ->N10 M105*22 [50.180]

    ->N10 M105*2 [60.180]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 10 [60.203]

    <- [60.203]

    <-Resend: 11 [60.203]

    <- [60.203]

    <-ok [60.203]

    <- [60.203]

    ->N11 M105*23 [60.203]

    ->N11 M105*2 [70.203]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 11 [70.226]

    <- [70.226]

    <-Resend: 12 [70.226]

    <- [70.227]

    <-ok [70.227]

    <- [70.227]

    ->N12 M105*20 [70.227]

    ->N12 M105*2 [80.227]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 12 [80.250]

    <- [80.250]

    <-Resend: 13 [80.250]

    <- [80.250]

    <-ok [80.250]

    <- [80.250]

    ->N13 M105*21 [80.250]

    ->N13 M105*2 [90.251]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 13 [90.273]

    <- [90.273]

    <-Resend: 14 [90.273]

    <- [90.273]

    <-ok [90.274]

    <- [90.274]

    ->N14 M105*18 [90.274]

    ->N14 M105*1 [100.274]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 14 [100.297]

    <- [100.297]

    <-Resend: 15 [100.297]

    <- [100.297]

    <-ok [100.297]

    <- [100.297]

    ->N15 M105*19 [100.297]

    ->N15 M105*1 [110.298]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 15 [110.320]

    <- [110.320]

    <-Resend: 16 [110.320]

    <- [110.320]

    <-ok [110.320]

    <- [110.320]

    ->N16 M105*16 [110.320]

    ->N16 M105*1 [120.320]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 16 [120.343]

    <- [120.343]

    <-Resend: 17 [120.343]

    <- [120.343]
    <-ok [120.343]
    <- [120.343]
    ->N17 M10517 [120.343]
    ->N17 M105
    1 [130.344]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 17 [130.366]

    <- [130.366]

    <-Resend: 18 [130.366]

    <- [130.366]

    <-ok [130.366]

    <- [130.366]

    ->N18 M105*30 [130.366]

    ->N18 M105*3 [140.366]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 18 [140.390]

    <- [140.390]

    <-Resend: 19 [140.390]

    <- [140.390]

    <-ok [140.390]

    <- [140.390]

    ->N19 M105*31 [140.391]

    ->N19 M105*3 [150.392]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 19 [150.414]

    <- [150.415]

    <-Resend: 20 [150.415]

    <- [150.415]

    <-ok [150.415]

    <- [150.415]

    ->N20 M105*21 [150.415]

    ->N20 M105*2 [160.415]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 20 [160.438]

    <- [160.438]

    <-Resend: 21 [160.438]

    <- [160.438]

    <-ok [160.438]

    <- [160.438]

    ->N21 M105*20 [160.438]

    ->N21 M105*2 [170.438]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 21 [170.461]

    <- [170.461]

    <-Resend: 22 [170.461]

    <- [170.462]

    <-ok [170.462]

    <- [170.462]

    ->N22 M105*23 [170.462]

    ->N22 M105*2 [180.462]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 22 [180.484]

    <- [180.485]

    <-Resend: 23 [180.485]

    <- [180.485]

    <-ok [180.485]

    <- [180.485]

    ->N23 M105*22 [180.485]

    ->N23 M105*2 [190.485]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 23 [190.508]

    <- [190.508]

    <-Resend: 24 [190.508]

    <- [190.508]

    <-ok [190.508]

    <- [190.508]

    ->N24 M105*17 [190.508]

    ->N24 M105*1 [200.509]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 24 [200.531]

    <- [200.531]

    <-Resend: 25 [200.531]

    <- [200.531]

    <-ok [200.531]

    <- [200.531]

    ->N25 M105*16 [200.531]

    ->N25 M105*1 [210.531]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 25 [210.554]

    <- [210.554]

    <-Resend: 26 [210.554]

    <- [210.554]

    <-ok [210.554]

    <- [210.554]

    ->N26 M105*19 [210.554]

    ->N26 M105*1 [220.555]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 26 [220.577]

    <- [220.577]

    <-Resend: 27 [220.577]

    <- [220.578]

    <-ok [220.578]

    <- [220.578]

    ->N27 M105*18 [220.578]

    ->N27 M105*1 [230.578]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 27 [230.600]

    <- [230.600]

    <-Resend: 28 [230.600]

    <- [230.601]

    <-ok [230.601]

    <- [230.601]

    ->N28 M105*29 [230.601]

    ->N28 M105*2 [240.601]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 28 [240.624]

    <- [240.624]

    <-Resend: 29 [240.625]

    <- [240.625]

    <-ok [240.625]

    <- [240.625]

    ->N29 M105*28 [240.625]

    ->N29 M105*2 [250.625]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 29 [250.648]

    <- [250.648]

    <-Resend: 30 [250.648]

    <- [250.648]

    <-ok [250.648]

    <- [250.648]

    ->N30 M105*20 [250.648]

    ->N30 M105*2 [260.649]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 30 [260.671]

    <- [260.671]

    <-Resend: 31 [260.672]

    <- [260.672]

    <-ok [260.672]

    <- [260.672]

    ->N31 M105*21 [260.672]

    ->N31 M105*2 [270.672]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 31 [270.694]

    <- [270.694]

    <-Resend: 32 [270.694]

    <- [270.694]

    <-ok [270.694]

    <- [270.695]

    ->N32 M105*22 [270.695]

    ->N32 M105*2 [280.695]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 32 [280.717]

    <- [280.717]

    <-Resend: 33 [280.717]

    <- [280.717]

    <-ok [280.717]

    <- [280.718]

    ->N33 M105*23 [280.718]

    ->N33 M105*2 [290.718]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 33 [290.741]

    <- [290.741]

    <-Resend: 34 [290.741]

    <- [290.741]

    <-ok [290.741]

    <- [290.741]

    ->N34 M105*16 [290.741]

    ->N34 M105*1 [300.742]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 34 [300.764]

    <- [300.764]

    <-Resend: 35 [300.764]

    <- [300.764]

    <-ok [300.764]

    <- [300.764]

    ->N35 M105*17 [300.764]

    ->N35 M105*1 [310.765]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 35 [310.787]

    <- [310.787]

    <-Resend: 36 [310.787]

    <- [310.787]

    <-ok [310.787]

    <- [310.787]

    ->N36 M105*18 [310.787]

    ->N36 M105*1 [320.788]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 36 [320.810]

    <- [320.810]

    <-Resend: 37 [320.810]

    <- [320.810]

    <-ok [320.811]

    <- [320.811]

    ->N37 M105*19 [320.811]

    ->N37 M105*1 [330.811]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 37 [330.833]

    <- [330.833]

    <-Resend: 38 [330.833]

    <- [330.833]

    <-ok [330.833]

    <- [330.834]

    ->N38 M105*28 [330.834]

    ->N38 M105*2 [340.834]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 38 [340.857]

    <- [340.857]

    <-Resend: 39 [340.857]

    <- [340.857]

    <-ok [340.857]

    <- [340.857]

    ->N39 M105*29 [340.857]

    ->N39 M105*2 [350.858]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 39 [350.880]

    <- [350.880]

    <-Resend: 40 [350.880]

    <- [350.880]

    <-ok [350.880]

    <- [350.880]

    ->N40 M105*19 [350.881]

    ->N40 M105*1 [360.881]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 40 [360.903]

    <- [360.903]

    <-Resend: 41 [360.904]

    <- [360.904]

    <-ok [360.904]

    <- [360.904]

    ->N41 M105*18 [360.904]

    ->N41 M105*1 [370.904]

    <-Error: Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 41 [370.927]

    <- [370.927]

    <-Resend: 42 [370.927]

    <- [370.927]

    <-ok [370.927]

    <- [370.927]

    ->N42 M105*17 [370.927]

  • Terminal log when printing from SD card:

    ->Communication State: AttemptingToConnect
    <-ok B:56.7 /0.0 T0:30.3 /0.0 T1:30.3 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    ->Communication State: Connected
    <-FIRMWARE_NAME:STM32_3D V1.1 PROTOCOL_VERSION:V1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:JIETAI-PI3 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    <-ok B:56.5 /0.0 T0:30.3 /0.0 T1:30.3 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    <-ok B:52.0 /0.0 T0:29.9 /0.0 T1:29.9 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    <-ok B:47.7 /0.0 T0:29.0 /0.0 T1:29.0 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    <-ok B:42.2 /0.0 T0:28.4 /0.0 T1:28.4 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    <-ok B:40.9 /0.0 T0:28.1 /0.0 T1:28.1 /0.0 T2:0.0 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0

    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:40.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:41.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.0 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:42.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:43.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:44.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:45.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.3 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:46.7 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.1 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:47.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.1 T0:27.7 T1:27.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.5 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:48.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:49.7 T0:27.9 T1:27.9 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.2 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:50.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.1 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.6 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:51.9 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0

    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.4 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:52.8 T0:28.1 T1:28.1 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.3 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.7 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.7 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:53.7 T0:28.0 T1:28.0 T2:0.0
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    <- B:56.7 T0:30.6 T1:30.6 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:56.9 T0:31.7 T1:31.7 T2:0.0
    <- B:57.1 T0:33.0 T1:33.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:57.1 T0:33.0 T1:33.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:57.1 T0:33.0 T1:33.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:57.1 T0:33.0 T1:33.0 T2:0.0
    <- B:57.1 T0:33.0 T1:33.0 T2:0.0

  • Evidently your printer is not responding to the M105 command once printing has started (the one that asks it for the temperatures). It doesn't seem to like G4 either. It looks like your running some unusual firmware on that machine. FIRMWARE_NAME:STM32_3D is not something I have seen before. I'm guessing this is an ARM port of Marlin? We may need to do some more experimentation to figure out exactly what is going on, but I suspect the firmware is having trouble with the way MatterControl does the warmup.

  • I'm not exactly sure what the firmware is based on- it came preinstalled on the board with the kit. The printer is a Geeetech Prusa I3 M201 with a mixing extruder. Does Repiter and Simplify 3D use the same gcode commands? It seems weird the printer would respond to one program but not another.

  • MatterControl does not handle warming up the same way as the other programs. Most programs will send an M190 S60 command to the printer, which tells it to stop and wait until the bed heats up to 60 C. The problem with this is that the printer will not listen to any more commands until the bed is finished heating. This means that, for instance, you cannot cancel your print without rebooting the printer.

    To get around this, MatterControl intercepts all M190 commands and turns them into M140 commands. This tells the printer to start heating up, but not to wait. Then it checks the temperature periodically using M105 and once it is hot enough, it continues printing. Since your printer is not answering the M105, MatterControl never knows that it has heated up and does not continue printing.

    It seems to me that this is a bug in your printers firmware that has only been revealed due to MatterControl's unusual behavior. It looks like the trouble starts with the G4 command, which tells the printer to pause for a brief moment. Can you try the following test so we can determine exactly what the printer is doing?

    Open a terminal window and uncheck Filter Output. You should see MatterControl periodically sending M105 to the printer, asking for its temperatures. Type in G4 P1000 and see what happens. The printer should pause for exactly one second and then continue answering the M105s. If it stops answering them altogether, we know we have a problem. After rebooting the machine, please try the same test again with G4 S1.

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