Gap size

  • OK, I see so often the mention of using a piece of paper to set the gap between bed and nozzle, does anyone know the measurement in real time,

  • Depends on a lot of stuff. What weight paper are you using? How humid is it today? How long has the paper been sitting outside it's package? Here's a page I found that has common paper sizes and thicknesses.

  • It didn't really answer my question,but from reading your input, and the chart, it seems it is not a very accurate system.

  • Most home printers are made of stuff that changes shape due to temperature and humidity, so the paper thing really should be close enough.

  • MatterControl assumes your paper is 0.1 mm thick. You can adjust this under Settings > Printer > Print Leveling. If you are worried about accuracy, you could always use a proper feeler gauge.

  • @unlimitedbacon said:

    MatterControl assumes your paper is 0.1 mm thick. You can adjust this under Settings > Printer > Print Leveling. If you are worried about accuracy, you could always use a proper feeler gauge.

    Thanks, that is why I asked the question, I have a set of feeler gauges, and was wondering what the measurement is.

    I still haven't got my printer back to a working stage, since the power supply blew up and took other parts along with it.

    So just gathering info I can use once it is working again.

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