Changing filament when paused

  • Hello All,

    What is the process for pausing and changing filament> I know where the pause button is located. However, I am assuming that there is a bit more to it than hitting pause and changing the filament and then resuming. Is there anything else I should do after hitting pause. Do I need to enter custom Gcode or will the machine heat back up to temp and resume?

  • It pretty much is that simple. The only thing I would suggest is using the manual controls to move the head away from the print while you change the filament. This way it will not be sitting there leaking plastic during that time. When you hit resume, it will go back to the correct position and start printing again.

  • You could enter any G-Code you would otherwise run manually after hitting the Pause button into the 'Pause G-Code' field of MatterControl settings:

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