You have lost me

  • I have finally got the touch working, well more like connecting.

    Tried printing a simple test cube, it started printing, got to the second layer stopped printing, got the message touch has stopped working tried again same result, third time lucky you say, well it printed the cube, first haff was reasonable, from them on the biggest mess you have ever seen,.

    Tried it again and had to go through the same rigmarole over again, and same mess.

    I must say for the price I expected much better, have now switched back to Simplify3d, and will be connecting it all up to a Raspberry PI.

    Not only this but the lack of response on the forum also has also add fuel to my reason to quit.

  • @erniehatt Sorry to hear this. Looking back, you first posted just before 6 PM on the Friday of a long holiday weekend and then again a few times during the weekend. July 4 is independence day here in the US, and we weren't back in the office until yesterday. Certainly not your fault, but bad timing for us it seems.

    In any case, sorry to hear about the misbehaving Touch. If you're interested in troubleshooting further please email

  • Ok Ryan, Fair enough about the holiday, but we all do not come from the USA, so do not necessarily know, so little note on the forum would have saved irate people like me pulling there hair out.

    In will give it some thought as to whether I will continue.

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